New UK Law Bans ‘Zombie-Style’ Knives and Machetes: What You Need to Know

September 23, 2024 0 Posted By Kaptain Kush

Under new legislation aimed at curbing knife crime, the possession, sale, manufacture, or transport of “zombie-style” knives and machetes has been made illegal in England and Wales.

These weapons, typically featuring blades over eight inches long with serrated edges or multiple holes, are designed to look intimidating rather than for practical use. After the ban, owning these weapons without a lawful reason can result in up to two years in prison.

Ahead of the ban, from August 26 to September 23, 2024, an amnesty allowed people to surrender these items without facing legal action, with compensation provided, although details on the amounts remain unclear. The government sees this ban as a key part of its goal to halve knife crime over the next decade by removing dangerous weapons from circulation.

Public reactions on social media platforms have been mixed, with many supporting efforts to reduce weapon availability, while others question the effectiveness of the ban in addressing crime rates, pointing out that criminals may not follow these laws.

Critics suggest that while the ban will impact legal sales, it may do little to address crime if illegal markets thrive. Some argue that more emphasis should be placed on education and addressing the root causes of crime rather than simply banning weapons. The ban may also affect people using machetes for legitimate purposes, such as agriculture or cultural practices, though exemptions are likely for those cases.

This marks a significant shift in UK law as the crackdown on “zombie-style” knives and machetes takes full effect. Here’s an overview of what this change means for the public:

The Ban

  • What’s Banned: The new legislation specifically targets “zombie-style” knives, which are typically characterized by their large, serrated blades and often designed to look menacing, and machetes, which are traditionally used for agricultural purposes but have been increasingly associated with violent crimes.
  • Legal Implications: From the date of the ban, it will be illegal to own, sell, or manufacture these weapons in England and Wales. Possession without a lawful reason could lead to up to two years in prison.

The Amnesty Period

  • Surrender Scheme: Leading up to the ban, from August 26 to September 23, 2024, the government launched an amnesty period. During this time, individuals could surrender their machetes and zombie knives to local police stations without facing legal repercussions.
  • Compensation: There was a scheme in place where owners could receive compensation for handing in these weapons, though the details on the compensation amount were not widely publicized in the posts reviewed.

Public and Government Sentiment

  • Government’s Aim: The ban is part of a broader initiative to reduce knife crime. The government aims to halve knife crime within a decade. This move is seen as a first step in that direction, focusing on removing easily accessible weapons from circulation.
  • Public Reaction: Public sentiment shows a mix of support for the ban as a measure to reduce violent crime and scepticism regarding its effectiveness. Some users questioned the ban’s practicality, wondering about enforcement and the potential for these weapons to still be obtained illegally.

Implications and Considerations

  • Effectiveness: Critics argue that while the ban might reduce the legal availability of these weapons, it might not significantly impact crime rates if illegal markets continue to thrive. The effectiveness of such bans often depends on enforcement and broader societal measures against crime.
  • Cultural and Practical Uses: Machetes, in particular, have legitimate uses in agriculture and outdoor activities. The ban might affect individuals who use these tools for non-violent purposes, though exceptions might be made for specific professional or cultural uses.
  • Educational Aspect: There’s an ongoing debate about whether more focus should be placed on education, community programs, and addressing root causes of crime rather than solely on weapon bans.


The introduction of the zombie knife and machete ban in the UK represents a significant legislative move towards reducing knife crime. While the immediate impact might be seen in reducing the number of these specific weapons in circulation, the long-term effects on crime rates remain to be seen.

The amnesty period was a strategic move to encourage voluntary surrender, aiming to reduce the number of these weapons in the community before the ban’s enforcement. As with any legislative change, its success will largely depend on public cooperation, effective enforcement, and complementary social programs to tackle the underlying crime issues.

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