AT&T’s Lily Alters Commercial Appearance Amid Harassment

AT&T’s Lily Alters Commercial Appearance Amid Harassment

0 Posted By Kaptain Kush

The actors who star in commercials often become familiar faces, feeling almost like part of the family due to their consistent presence on our screens. One familiar face is Milana Vayntrub, affectionately known as Lily, the AT&T Girl

Vayntrub, who has been playing Lily since 2013, also directs the commercials she stars. Beyond her role as Lily, she has an extensive acting resume, including appearances on This Is UsHouse of LiesCalifornication, and Silicon Valley, and a starring role in her sci-fi comedy series, Other Space.

Recently, viewers have noticed a change in the AT&T commercials: Lily is now mostly shown from behind a counter, hiding her body. Vayntrub addressed this change directly on Twitter on March 20, 2021. She explained that the decision was due to the overwhelming number of unwelcome comments she received about her body. She stated, “I direct the ads. I place myself like that. And it’s because of the thousands of unwelcome comments I receive about my body. You’ve lost the privilege of looking at it until I feel safe again.”

Unfortunately, Vayntrub‘s explanation only seemed to spur more harassment. Despite this, many Twitter users came to her defense, highlighting the inappropriate nature of the comments she was receiving.

The harassment reached a peak in August 2020 when people began leaving degrading messages on older ads featuring Vayntrub. AT&T responded by stating that sexual harassment of employees was not tolerated and took measures to disable or delete comments on their social media content featuring Lily. The company emphasized its commitment to supporting Vayntrub and respecting all women.

Vayntrub has spoken out about the harassment on multiple occasions, even live-streaming on Instagram to share her experiences. She revealed that the comments made her feel as if she were being sexually assaulted and expressed how much the harassment hurt her feelings.

Fans and fellow celebrities have rallied around Vayntrub. Director Paul Feig condemned the harassment on Twitter, calling it a disgrace and urging people to stop.

In response to the harassment, Vayntrub and AT&T have adjusted the commercials. Vayntrub now often appears sitting behind a desk or holding props, such as a puppy, to shield her body. These measures are intended to protect her from further inappropriate comments while allowing her to continue her work comfortably.

Milana Vayntrub‘s experience highlights the ongoing issue of online harassment, especially toward women in the public eye. Her decision to modify her appearances in AT&T commercials is a step towards reclaiming her sense of safety and comfort in her professional life.