Has Covid-19 Made Us Ask Questions?
Has covid made us ask the right questions?
Has it changed our mindset a little while? At least some are beginning to question almost everything. If not, how would we even had known that 5G and Covid-19 are correlated, ironically speaking.
But going beyond that, have you noticed how our economy is changing? I mean dollar is skyrocketing to 500 naira and it looks like we are still in genesis, ‘let there be light’. And what about our liquid metal? Lol, don’t mean Odumeje of course..
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I mean our crude, crude is as cheap as second-hand bra now.. Lol.
I mean we have killed ourselves because of crude.. I mean some want us to remain one just because of crude. Lol. That same commodity now is as cheap as orbit chewing gun now.
And you know what China did? They bought it all up now that’s cheap.. . They bought it that all their reserves are all filled up to 107%.
OK what about our churches who so claimed in the healing of God? Where are they now? Now Goliath has appeared some have turned to philanthropists.. Some are beginning to even have 5G rhema.. . And when churches were getting closed, some Muslims played the religion card we can’t shut down mosques.. Until they stopped breathing, until they started dying of strange ailments.
The thing is what do we value?
Raw materials I guess? We are yet to value humanity? We are yet to value true education. We are yet to value ingenuity. We are yet wake up that certificates aren’t merit. We are yet to accept the truth that most of our graduate engineers are merely basic maths solvers. We are yet to accept the truth that most of our doctors are beginning to look quack and our pharmacies dominated by fraudsters.. And our police dominated by heartless sadists. “Don’t even call the military abeg oo”
We still believe ideas are born in the classrooms. We still believe in allowing herdsmen to move around than ranch them. We still believe we should defecate in the open and care little of who beholds our glory. We still believe in dumbing our refuse in public drains and point finger to government. Lol
We still believe in cheating in exams to get an A, to make our waec, to make our degrees. We believe in roaming around cheating, looking for sharp opportunities than investing in our incredible ideas.
We are busy trying to islamize, Christianizze, igbonise, fulanise. We are still not wanting an hausa man to be a governor in Abia state and planning on how to push the igbos away from Lagos while we deny them Biafra.
We have invaded the movies industry, destroyed it. Entered the rap industry, destroyed it. Entered the core music industry and are beginning to sing mindless junks. We about destroying that too.
But there is hope the moment we begin to see how all we have invested in, how all we have believed in, how all we are are getting wrecked by one virus.
And many may say it’s worse in America and Italy. The question is how many have we tested? Very few. So again we live in deception even in the midst of this pandemic.
However there is hope. A hope that shows the world isn’t perfect and even world powers are not infallible. If the so called frog eaters can change the very dynamics of the world, so can we.
If Netflix of the other day can worth more than Exonmobile, then the world is yet to see us. But first we must be woken, not like matt Hardy though..
We must accept our wrongs and make efforts to invest in our ideas, ingenuity and more so, our humanity
To be continued…..