Here is the USD to Naira exchange rate for today December 6, 2022

Here is the USD to Naira exchange rate for today December 6, 2022

0 Posted By Kaptain Kush

According to currency dealers in Abuja and Lagos, Nigeria, the USD to Naira exchange rate for December 6, 2022 is 740 to buy and 730 to sell. This is a slight change from the previous day’s rate of 745 to buy and 730 to sell.

The Euro to Naira exchange rate is also relatively stable, with a rate of 770 to buy and 745 to sell. The Pound to Naira exchange rate is slightly higher, at 905 to buy and 880 to sell.

These rates are based on the black market rates in Nigeria, and they may vary depending on the location and the market conditions. It is important to check the latest exchange rates before making any transactions.

As of December 6, 2022, the USD to Naira black market rate in Abuja, Kano, and Lagos is 740 to buy and 730 to sell. This rate may vary slightly at different black market locations and may change depending on the market conditions.

Aboki and Bureau De Change (BDC) operators are currently using this rate to buy and sell the US dollar in Nigeria. It is important to note that this rate is the unofficial or parallel market rate, and it may differ from the official rate set by the Central Bank of Nigeria.

If you are planning to buy or sell US dollars in Nigeria, it is recommended to check the latest exchange rates and compare them across different markets to get the best deal.