How Can Regenerative Medicine Help Deal With Joint Pain?

How Can Regenerative Medicine Help Deal With Joint Pain?

0 Posted By Kaptain Kush

Chronic pain can be pretty frustrating whether it affects your shoulders, elbows, knees, or hips. People indeed suffer a lot due to stiff joints making it difficult for them to function throughout the day. After trying conservative treatments, if you did not get relief and surgery is the only option left for you, you should try regenerative medicine to find a solution. Many people did get relief from regenerative medicine therapies. You can try it out to see how it can help you overcome and battle out joint pain.

  • You Can Try Stem Cells Therapy 

There are many treatment therapies under the banner of regenerative medicine. There are many articles and reports on it, as most doctors use it to treat tissue and joint damage with successful outcomes. The words for patients suffering from osteoarthritis have reported a massive improvement in a few treatment therapies. The reason why it works wonders is that it uses stem cells, which have the unique capability to morph into any other cell. So, for people with degenerated ligaments and cartilage, stem cells get injected into the damaged area and help transform and regenerate those areas, thereby forming new tissues. 

  • Why Go For PRP Treatment?

More and more people are becoming frustrated due to knee osteoarthritis. Hence, they are looking for relief in platelet-rich plasma therapy. Although this treatment has been there for three decades, it has become more popular recently, helping in the treatment of arthritis. They use platelets, which help in boosting cell division and also help in the treatment. They encourage tissues to regenerate, thereby speeding up the healing process. There is evidence that PRP therapy stops the progression of the disease and considerably reduces the pain.

  • Understanding Prolotherapy

Prolotherapy under QC Kinetix (Lowell) is also a crucial part of regenerative medicine, which involves injecting, but there is no requirement for any harvesting of stem cells. Prolotherapy is a treatment based on the fact that your body naturally disposes of resources for those areas that need healing. The main idea is to stimulate body defense mechanisms to stimulate the healing procedure by injecting glucose into the troubled regions. The main idea of this therapy is to reduce instances of inflammation and chronic pain while encouraging the regeneration of damaged tissues such as tendons and ligaments. Some patients have accepted that this therapy can improve mobility and reduce pain. If you hire an expert doctor, you will stay comfortable throughout the process.

  • Why Use Amniotic Membrane Injections?

Therapies not only help to treat joint pain but also help in healing sports injuries and other orthopedic complications. The 4th most popular type of regenerative medicine is an amniotic membrane injection. Many doctors have also used it to heal wounds by improving surgical sites.

A regenerated medicine doctor will evaluate your disease and understand your health pattern. If you have tried conservative mechanisms to reduce pain, you should go for regenerative medicine and discuss it with your specialist to see what suits your symptoms.