How to Write a Celebrity and Get a Response

How to Write a Celebrity and Get a Response

0 Posted By Kaptain Kush

To begin with, we want to make a small disclaimer. We are writing this article for people who wish to write to some celebrity or a famous person whose life or work interests you. Whom you admire, and want to express your admiration to them. Or you want to offer some kind of partnership, give something as a gift, or tell your story. And you need to get an answer. 

If it becomes unhealthy, there is nothing we can do to help you achieve long-term celebrity attention, and there is no advice here that could be considered super effective but, at the same time, unethical. Therefore, this article is only for those who are ready to play by the rules and behave as respectfully as possible towards the person you admire.

Choose a Social Media Where you Want to Make a Contact

Of course, most celebrities don’t manage their own accounts, but also most of them admit that they come to read private messages or reply to comments or listen to fans and the like. So if it seems to you that there is almost no chance that your message will be seen, do not despair. Fans of nearly all stars periodically receive some kind of personal message. 

Why shouldn’t it be you? First, choose the social network where you want to post a celebrity. Look at a social network that seems to have personal responses from a person whom you follow. Even if there are many, start with one social network. No need to bombard celebrities with the same messages and on all channels simultaneously.

Work on Your Social Media Profile

One of the reasons we do not advise you to write on all social media at once is that you need to write where you already have a well-developed, high-quality, and trustworthy account. If there is no such account anywhere, then you need to work very well and change for the better the account on the social network from which you will write to your celebrity. 

Make sure you have a good and clear photo that shows your face, and you should have a real name. Don’t use names that refer to the celebrity you follow. For example, if you like Zendaya, you don’t need to create an account with a Zendaya Follower or Zendaya Forever profile. 

Such messages are immediately cut off because most crazy fans write from under such accounts. You must have a live account with enough followers and friends to show that you are a real person and have some other interests besides this celebrity; you are not a stalker. 

You are a decent person with whom it would be interesting to talk. If it’s Facebook or LinkedIn, make sure you have reposts on your page, fresh posts, your opinion, and your feed regularly updated. 

Social networks have their own algorithms, and even in private messages, you can be placed not in chronological order but according to how relevant your profile will look.

Be Brief and Respectful

Most likely, you understand that any celebrity is a rather busy person. And even if they periodically read the messages they receive, they are unlikely to read your entire life story and how you first visited their concert or saw them on TV. Write short, to the point, and with respect. 

We recommend using a minimum of emojis and exclamation marks. It should feel like a letter you want to reply to, not just a shout-out at a concert, a chant, or a one-way postcard. 

It may sound strange at first, but you also can get instant academic assistance from a professional essay writing service, such as, to write the first letter to a celebrity of your choice. You would be surprised how many people delegate this task because they are too nervous about writing something themselves!

State your Purpose Clearly

If you are writing about a particular case, for example, or you are a representative of a charitable foundation and want to do some kind of joint promotion, or you would like to receive some sort of quote for an article that you are writing about this celebrity, or the opinion of a star is important to you on some public occasion, but for you personally, try state purpose of your writing practice from the first sentence after you had introduced yourself. 

Again, no one has time to read long letters, and the more apparent the purpose of your letter, the more likely you will be answered and answered on the case. Such letters are rare enough that the special people who manage the celebrity social networks will choose your question as one of the fan questions that, once a month, a person answers.

Ask for an Answer. Why Not?

Celebrities are people too, and you can contact them with a request. If, for some particular reason, it is imperative for you to get an answer to your question, you can write this reason in one or two sentences and ask for an answer. Perhaps you are in a complex emotional state, or you would like to help a friend who would always like to hear something from this celebrity, tell him about it and ask for an answer correctly. 

It is very significant here not to use words like “I beg you,” “I don’t know what I’ll do with myself if you don’t answer me,” or “If you don’t answer me, then you are all shallow people,” and the like. No one will respond to someone threatening strangers or trying to manipulate them. Your task is to ask correctly, and if there is a particular reason why you ask for it, briefly and adequately describe it.

Even if you follow all these rules, we cannot guarantee that the chosen celebrity will respond to your request and, moreover, will respond the way you expect it to. But it is essential not to write too much, but at the same time, one should not overwhelm a person with letters. 

You can write every few weeks or change the topics you write about. So, if you increase the chances of being noticed, you will receive a long-awaited answer.