Nikki Haley Acknowledges Slavery’s Role in US Civil War Amid Backlash

Nikki Haley Acknowledges Slavery’s Role in US Civil War Amid Backlash

0 Posted By Kaptain Kush

Berlin, New Hampshire — Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley faced criticism after initially avoiding the mention of slavery as a cause of the US Civil War during a town hall event in New Hampshire. The controversy erupted when a voter questioned her about the war’s cause, and Haley‘s response omitted the pivotal role of slavery.

On Wednesday, during the town hall event, Haley responded, “I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run. The freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do.” The omission of slavery in her answer prompted swift criticism from the voters, who found it “astonishing” that the term was left out in 2023.

Haley, initially defensive, responded to the criticism by asking, “What do you want me to say about slavery?” However, as the backlash intensified on social media, the former United Nations ambassador and South Carolina governor acknowledged slavery as a cause on Thursday in an interview with CNN. “Of course, the Civil War was about slavery,” she stated. “We know that. That’s the easy part of it. What I was saying was, what does it mean to us today? What it means to us today is about freedom. That’s what that was all about.”

In an attempt to deflect from the controversy, Haley claimed that the voter who questioned her was a “Democrat plant” during an interview with radio station The Pulse of NH on Thursday.

The incident occurred as part of Haley‘s efforts to garner support ahead of the early Republican primary election in New Hampshire. Despite criticism, Haley has recently seen a rise in opinion polls, positioning herself as a significant contender in the race.

The controversy drew attention from political opponents, with former President Donald Trump leading by a wide margin. However, Haley is closely competing with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, another prominent challenger. The Iowa caucuses in early January will be crucial for Haley‘s candidacy.

President Joe Biden joined Democrats in criticizing Haley‘s initial remarks, posting a video of the exchange on social media with the caption, “It was about slavery.” Even within the Republican party, opponents seized on the controversy. A campaign account for Governor DeSantis shared a video of Haley‘s comments with a succinct comment: “Yikes.”

Civil rights scholars also weighed in, emphasizing the central role of the fight over slavery in causing the Civil War. This is not the first time Haley has faced questions about her stance on the issue, as during her 2010 gubernatorial campaign, she characterized the conflict as a battle between “tradition versus change.” The historical context of the 1861-65 Civil War, marked by growing animosity over slavery and the election of President Abraham Lincoln, who explicitly opposed slavery, underscores the ongoing significance of understanding its causes.