Who Has the ‘Best Breasts’ in World Right Now?

Who Has the ‘Best Breasts’ in World Right Now?

0 Posted By Kaptain Kush

Michelle Keegan has been recognized as having the “best breasts” worldwide, based on the ancient Greek formula known as the Golden Ratio. This mathematical equation, developed by the Greeks to measure physical perfection, has recently been applied to modern celebrities to assess how well their proportions align with this ideal standard.

Keegan, a renowned actress, ranked at the top of the list, scoring highest in breast proportions. Former Victoria’s Secret model Miranda Kerr and TV stars Holly Willoughby and Amanda Holden also received high rankings based on their adherence to the “Golden Ratio” — a concept rooted in ancient philosophy and contemporary aesthetic science.

The Golden Ratio Explained

The Golden Ratio, or Phi (1/1.618), is a mathematical formula historically used to measure beauty and balance in art, architecture, and nature. It is even thought to be present in the design of the Egyptian pyramids. In the context of breast anatomy, the ratio defines ideal proportions between the upper and lower parts of the breast, with the nipple serving as the dividing line.

According to this formula, the perfect breast proportion is considered to be 45% above the nipple (upper pole) and 55% below the nipple (lower pole). This 45:55 ratio is seen as the ideal balance for a natural and harmonious appearance.

Celebrities Ranking High on the Golden Ratio Scale

Consultant Plastic Surgeon Mr. Allen Rezai compiled a list of celebrities whose breasts naturally align with the Golden Ratio.

In his selection, Rezai focused on women with breasts proportionately to their body shape, although he emphasized the challenge of making accurate assessments due to factors like clothing and bras. His top five included Michelle Keegan, Denise Richards, Miranda Kerr, Holly Willoughby, and Amanda Holden.

  • Denise Richards (45:55): The former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star has what Rezai describes as “perfectly proportioned” breasts, fitting her body shape with a natural upper and lower pole distribution.
  • Michelle Keegan (45:55): The actress, who topped the list, embodies the Golden Ratio with a breast shape that perfectly suits her slim and petite figure.
  • Holly Willoughby (55:45): While her ratio slightly differs from the “ideal,” Willoughby’s breasts are still in harmony with her toned physique. According to Rezai, her longer upper pole gives a balanced appearance.
  • Miranda Kerr (55:45): The supermodel’s breasts are considered ideal for her body type, with an even distribution of tissue and a natural complement to her waist-to-hip ratio and height.
  • Amanda Holden (60:40): The Britain’s Got Talent judge rounds out the list with a 60:40 ratio. While her upper pole is longer than the lower, Rezai notes that her breasts are well-suited to her overall figure.

The ‘Natural Look’ and Breast Augmentation

According to Mr. Rezai, achieving the Golden Ratio through surgery is less about following a fixed formula and more about tailoring treatments to each individual’s body.

He emphasized that beauty should not be defined solely by a single ratio, as every person’s anatomy and preferences differ. The key to successful augmentation, Rezai explained, is to enhance the natural look, creating results that fit seamlessly with a person’s figure, lifestyle, and desired appearance.

Ultimately, the Golden Ratio is a guiding principle in aesthetic surgery, but personal tastes and unique body proportions remain the most important factors in defining beauty.